Cynthia Mak

Hong Kong | B.1987

Cynthia Mak is an emerging Hong Kong artist who uses art as her creative platform to spread love and joy. Her abstract paintings composed of geometric shapes cleverly arranged into unique compositions have become her signature artistic style. Working with a minimal number of shapes and forms, her endless imaginings and experimentation with line work and colours has resulted in countless picturesque scenes of life exuding a pleasant atmosphere that draws in viewers.

In her early years, Cynthia was not great with her words so she turned to creating visuals as her form of expression. Although it took more effort, she loved the process and was able to explain herself much more clearly through her art. During the pandemic in 2021, Cynthia’s passion for art was reignited and she appreciated the total control she had over the entire painting process. Reminded by her younger self who used art to express herself, she decided to embark on a new journey of artistic exploration. Since then, she has exhibited at the Hong Kong Museum of Art, M+ Museum Shop, PMQ and collaborated with Hermès, Lane Crawford and Hong Kong Jockey Club, to list a few, on projects that bring their audience joy and promote a healthy lifestyle.

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