Tatler Hong Kong: Real or fake toasts? try yourself at Afa Annfa and Gloria Chung's latest exhibition "A&G Bolangerie"
By Tatler Hong Kong
#tatlerarts 行為藝術家Marina Abramović曾說:「即使你烤出世上最好的麵包,你也不是藝術家;但若你在畫廊裡烤麵包,你就是藝術家。所以,呈現的語境造就了差異。」
受此啟發,視覺藝術家 @afa_annfa 與美食造型師Gloria Chung @foodandtravelhk 在雙人展「A&G Boulangerie」中,透過真假麵包、法式長麵包及牛油創作的雕塑,探索真實與人造食物之間錯綜複雜的關係。對藝術家而言,麵包與牛油不僅是日常營養,更承載著文化,甚至藝術意義。本月走訪 @jpsgallery ,細味更多展覽細節。
Performance artist Marina Abramović once said, “If you make the best bread in the world, you’re not an artist, but if you bake the bread in the gallery, you’re an artist. So the context makes the difference.”
Inspired by this, visual artist Afa Annfa and food stylist Gloria Chung explore the complex relationship between authentic and artificial food by creating sculptures with both real and fake toasts, baguettes and butter in their duo show “A&G Boulangerie”. To the artists, bread and butter are more than sustenance; they carry cultural—and even artistic—significance. Find out more at JPS Gallery this month.